We store our whole lives on our smartphones, so it makes sense to take security seriously. Follow these tips to stop prying eyes getting to your sensitive information
1) Use a PIN or fingerprint security
With all the things we now use our smartphone for: email; banking; browsing; shopping, it's dangerous to leave them unguarded. Locking your screen will protect your sensitive data and apps from meddling. Just go into the settings app on your device, then the general tab and "Touch ID & passcode lock" - from here you will be able to turn on either a numeric PIN or Touch ID fingerprint scanning. If you do use a PIN steer clear of the two most common - and therefore easily guessed - combinations: 0000 and 1234.
2) Or use a longer passphrase...
If you want more security than a four-digit PIN provides - after all, there's a one-in-10,000 chance that someone will guess it correctly first time - you can opt instead to use a passphrase. To do this, go to your settings app, then "Touch ID & Passcode" and turn "Simple Passcode" off. This will allow you to create a longer and more complex passcode with upper and lowercase letters, numbers and other symbols.
read more : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/iphone/11222954/Seven-tips-to-secure-your-iPhone-from-hackers.html
read more : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/iphone/11222954/Seven-tips-to-secure-your-iPhone-from-hackers.html
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